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Christian Book Award Contest!
Book Awards bring instant credibility, and having an award seal on your book cover makes your book stand out!                     Become an 'Award Winning Christian Author' by entering your book in the only 'family friendly' book contest running!


Hi everyone! The next Christian Book Awards Contest is 1 January 2025 results will be e-mailed to award winners and posted to out Facebook page that day - To enter see the link below - Upcoming Christian Book Awards Presentation Ceremonies are 19 October 2024, 23 November 2024, and 28 December 2024 at our church - You need to e-mail us which date and that you are coming and we will have your CBA award cert printed out and framed for your presentation photo - Very important if you want a CBA medal presented with your award cert you must purchase it at the link below BEFORE the award ceremony so we have it on hand for you! God Bless! CBAs 

WHY THIS CONTEST IS DIFFERENT THAN ALL THE REST: This is a very simple book award contest. Your book is judged by two award-winning Christians and you get the higher of the two scores for GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, or NO AWARD. We don't judge authors against other authors, we judge books based on the clearly published standard below. We know award-winning when we see it - because the judges - Mr. Rich Collins (Award-winning Christian Author and movie maker with 4 movie awards and 12 book awards) and Ms. Jennifer Lusong (Award-winning Christian Illustrator with 4 illustration awards) are award-winning multiple times! This is the difference.  Your work judged against the standards below = Your award level! 

PURPOSE:  The purpose of the Christian Book Award Contest is to recognize authors of all ages who publish ‘Christian family friendly’ books and graphic novels for Christians to read and enjoy. America needs to start encouraging and rewarding those who produce wholesome entertainment.  

CATEGORIES YOU CAN ENTERThere are 5 categories you can enter are: 1) Graphic Novel / Comic / Picture Book; 2) For young kids to read / Elementary School; 3) For kids to read / Middle School;  4) For Teens to read broken down into Fiction and Non-Fiction, 5) For Adults to read broken down by Fiction and Non-Fiction! You can enter multiple categories if you want - you see some books with multiple awards!

RULES:  To enter the contest provide your $25 payment at the contest link below and then e-mail your book in ‘pdf’ or ‘word’ format to the e-mail address raeganandrjinspace@aol.com.  Entries will be judged by an award winning Christian author and filmmaker (Mr Rich Collins) and an award-winning Christian illustrator (Ms Jennifer Lusong)! Entries will be confirmed by return e-mail along with the date of your contest when we receive your entry and payment.  ‘Christian Book Awards’ contests will occur quarterly on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July, and 1 October of each year. Your entry will be entered in the next contest run.  So if you enter the contest on 15 May 2016, your book or graphic novel will be judged on 1 July 2016, and so on.  Determination of your award level (Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honor) will be provided to you in an e-mail on the 1st day of the your contest month, respecfully.  So if you entered the 1 July 2016 contest, your notification of award will be made by e-mail on 1 July 2016.  We do not accept paper copies of books, only pdf or word format sent by e-mail; the reason is because the 2 judges live in different locations and to mail copies to different judges would make the cost to enter a paper copy too expensive, and we are trying to keep it as low as possible.  Decision of the judges is final, and no refunds will be provided under any circumstances. If your book is not accepted into the CBA your entry fee will be refunded.

Here is the link to our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Christian-Book-Awards-Contest-537569523079140/

We use paypal for secure transactions!  

You can enter our quarterly book award contest here and pay by credit card, debit card, or paypal:

Product   Price
Christian Book Award Contest Entry  
Orig.: $25.00
Sale: $24.00
CBA Bronze Medal  
Orig.: $25.00
Sale: $24.00
CBA Silver Medal  
Orig.: $25.00
Sale: $24.00
CBA Gold Medal  
Orig.: $25.00
Sale: $24.00

CATEGORIES:  Entries can be submitted in one of 5 categories: 1) Graphic Novel / Comic / Picture Book, 2) For Young Kids/Elementary School age to read, 3) For Kids/Middle School age to read, 4) For Teen broken down into Fiction and Non-Fiction, 5) For Adults to read broken down into Fiction and Non-Fiction, It doesn't matter what genre it is it will fit in one of the 5 categories above. So whether you have a kids book on space adventure, a book for teen girls about funny or embarrassing high school friendships, or an Amish romance novel for women, just tell us what age category it should go in when you send it to us.     

  WHAT DO YOU WIN: Awardees receive 1) A review by award-winning Christian judges; 2) Recognition as an 'Award Winning Author' for the rest of your life, and your book will be an 'Award Winning Book', 3) A digital award certificate, and 4) A digital seal to display on copies of your book or web site, 4) Winning Books will be posted at our Facebook page and Web Site for promotion and verification purposes. 


1) Only complete stories will be allowed to enter the contest and be judged.  We will not judge 'summaries' or 'half-finished' works.  Don't sweat it.  Just knuckle down and finish the story!  You can do it! 

2) Books can be previously published, there is no date limit of when it has to have been published or finished.  You could enter a book you did 5 years ago or yesterday.

3) Only 'Christian family friendly' stories will be allowed to enter and be judged.  The definition of ‘family friendly’ is that your book or graphic novel entry would be something you would not be embarrased to read with your Mom or Dad on one side, and your daughter or son on the other.  I am not going to give you a list of things that would not be 'family friendly' because little kids go on this site.  No entries with innapropriate material will be accepted or judged.  If an entry is submitted that is not 'family friendly' it will be returned with the money and pdf file.  Sorry folks, we don't want to judge anyone or anything, but this contest is to encourage writers and illustrators to produce 'family friendly' material.

4) Only stories in English will be accepted and judged.

5) Only stories from a Christian world view will be accepted and judged.

6) You do not have to have your story published yet.  Unpublished works can be entered and judged.

7) You do not have to have your story professionally done, we encourage independant and beginning authors to submit stories for grading.


Gold: Front to back cover high quality whether written or graphic novel.  No spelling, punctuation errors. Professional cover. If graphic novel or picture book, colorful professional illustrations. A totally 'UNIGUE' and interesting story for that genre that is fully developed with characters the target audience will fall in love with. This level of entry is one a Christian would read over and over again and be one of their favorite books or series. Check the award winning free graphic novel download 'Mission to the 3 Suns' at this web site.  That's a Gold. Don't be intimidated though, this is not at the 'MARVEL COMIC' level. A professionally done comic at that level would be a Gold plus plus. We are not looking for that level to award a Gold to you. If God has given you that kind of talent awesome, and we will recognize it, but that is something that does not come along very often, and will not be required to get a Gold.  The basis for a Gold is a totally unique book from cover to cover, and a Christian reader who says after seeing and reading it: Wow, I have ever seen anything like that before, that is amazing! 

Silver:  A high quality, 'family friendly', Christian story with no spelling or punctuation errors, is a very interesting story, containing at least 1 new or interesting development unique to that genre that has never been done before, that a Christian kid or adult would read once, put down for a week or so, but eventually would want to read again. The basis for a Silver is a Christian who says wow, I have read alot of for example Amish Romances, or Westerns, but I have never seen one set in ????, or about ???? - Maybe the entire book is about the main character, say Stephanie, who finds her Grandmother's diary after her death, and she is reading and visualizing about how her Grandmother fell in love and got married - and the book really is about someone who is already gone to heaven, that would be unique. So basically for a Silver the standard is a story in a genre that has been written about, but has a unique twist!

Bronze: A solid quality 'family friendly' story with no spelling or punctuation errors that a beginning level author would write in an existing genre that a Christian kid or adult would read and find interesting and like it, but not list it as one of their favorites because it has no new features or twists. This level of book is a good achievement for a new author or illustrator in an existing genre but contains nothing new. This does not mean that you have not produced an award-worthy book, it just means that your Amish Romance or Western Adventure is the same as every other one that is on a Christian's bookshelf already.

NUMBER OF ENTRIES SUBMITTED HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LEVELS AWARDED: If you produce and enter the contest with a family friendly graphic novel or book that is a GOLD you will get a GOLD.  If you produce a book or novel that is an HONOR level, that is what you will be awarded.  Your award has nothing to do with how many entries are received during a given quarter.  Next quarter we could have 5 GOLD and no other awards, or 1 of each, or no GOLD but 2 SILVER.  Rest assured, your level of award will not be downgraded because some very talented Christian submitted a 'MARVEL QUALITY COMIC' two days before you submitted your first kids story book.  

PUBLISHERS VERIFICATION: If an author submits a work indicating they are a 'Christian Book Award' winner, you can verify by contacting us we maintain a roster of the winners. 'Centauri' award winner,   

SPONSOR: The sponsor for this contest is Richard Collins, a multiple award-winning Christian filmmaker and author, registered 'artist/author' and 'home business' owner in the State of Virginia license #293309.

Christian Book Award Presentation Ceremonies! (Thank you Rob Eckno for letting us use the photos from the ceremony you ROCK)!

We are now doing monthly award presentation ceremonies for CBA winners at our church upcoming events are 25 May 2024 and 22 June 2024! Get once in a lifetime recordings and photos of you giving a recorded award speech and then get award presentation and red carpet photos for your social media pages! We do not pay for anyone to come to a CBA award ceremony but the event is free no tickets. Check with the Director before coming to make sure he has your RSVP and award cert printed out and framed. If you don't tell us you are coming we won't know to have your award printed out and framed. The ceremonies are 12 PM EST noon at our church Menchville Baptist Church (MBC) usually on the 4th Saturday of the month it just depends sometimes they are on the 3rd Saturday depending on what is happening at our church PLEASE check with the director before travelling so you don't waste time and money! The address is 248 Menchville Drive Newport News VA 23602. We start off with award speeches which we record, then do award certificate and medal photos in front of our CBA backdrop, and then finish it off with red carpet photos! If you want a CBA medal presented with your framed award cert you need to purchase one above before the ceremony date to make sure it is there. Or, if you already have one just bring it! You don't have to dress up you can wear casual clothes we are not fancy if you want to dress up that is fine but it is not required! Here are pictures from a recent event - 

Give an award speech which we will record on your iPhone and hand right back to you - Don't worry if you mess up after you come down and review your speech if its not right you can go right back up and do it again till you get it right! We will not move on to award photos till everyone is satisfied!

Then get an award certificate and medal presentation photo with the Director of the CBAs and a photo of you and your award cert and medal in front of our CBA backdrop!

Then get a red carpet photo with you and your award cert and award medal! 

PLEASE let us know you are coming to the CBA award presentation ceremony so we have your award cert printed out! If you also want your medal presented you have to buy it here BEFORE your ceremony date so we have it there for you!!

Christian Book Award Winner Medals, T-Shirts, and Certificates (Thank you Rob Eckno and "Double Blessing" for letting us use the photos of you sporting your CBA shirts, CBA medals and CBA award certificates you guys ROCK)!

See pictures! Imagine you at your next book signing wearing your GOLD MEDAL, your GOLD MEDAL T-shirt, and having a copy of your GOLD MEDAL award certificate by your stack of books! All are available to you if you win in the CBAs! Step 1 is to enter Christian Book Awards Contest! You can do it! God Bless! CBAs

CBA Bronze Medal Winner with Black Bronze Medal T-Shirt and Bronze Medal!

CBA Silver Medal Winner with Black Silver Medal T-Shirt and Silver Medal!

CBA Gold Medal Winner with White Gold Medal T-Shirt and Gold Medal and Gold Medal Certificate!

CBA Gold Medal Winner with Black Gold Medal T-Shirt and Gold Medal and Gold Medal Certificate!

CBA Gold Medal Winner with Black Gold Medal T-Shirt and Gold Medal!

Christian Book Award Winner Medals!

If you are a Christian Book Award Winner you can order your BRONZE, SILVER, or GOLD Medal from the links above! These medals are the same as the seals so they match your certificate! You can wear your medal at your book signing event or other gatherings to let everyone know you are top notch when it comes to family friendly writing! When ordering your medal, please pay with a credit card or other card accepted by Pay Pal. We can't do anything about the cost they were very expensive to have made, but you can tell they are very high quality! Once you placed your order e-mail us your name and address to our web site e-mail 'raeganandrjinspace@aol.com'. We will mail you ONE BRONZE, SILVER, or GOLD Medal. The cost of the medal includes shipping and handling! These are real solid metal medals, and come with a 17 inch green ribbon! At this time we can only mail to US residents foreign mailing is too much at this time! Be advised our medals are NOT real GOLD, SILVER, or BRONZE, they are metal colored like that - be realistic here a real GOLD medal would cost $4,000 NOT $25 - so no we do not have REAL GOLD. SILVER, or BRONZE medals! God Bless CBAs

Christian Book Award Winner T-Shirts! Go to this link and purchase a T-Shirt with our award winner seals on them GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE!

Christian Book Award Winner T-Shirts! If you are a CBA Award Winner here is the link to order a T-Shirt to display the fact that you are an award winning Christian Writer - 


We do not control the prices! We have the GOLD, SILVER, and BRONZE Award Winner T-Shirts up! You can wear this T-Shirt at your book signing event or conference to let everyone know you are top notch when it comes to family friendly entertainment! You can make some modifications to the T-shirts before you order! God Bless! CBAs!

Imagine how amazing it would be to be wearing your CBA award medal T-Shirt and your Award Medal around your neck at your next book signing or other author event - the attendees would be amazed!

Here is a picture of the T-Shirt site - 

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 October 2024 Contest:

‘Teddy Yeti: Cries Monte’ by Julienne Lingle. On a fishing trip with his Dad, Teddy Yeti cries wolf about seeing a monster multiple times, but when a real monster shows up will his Dad believe him? 

‘Cayden’s Adventures With Faith’ by Elizabeth Lizu. Join Cayden, his family, friends, teacher, and cousin as they embark on their way to help Cayden and every child reading this book find their way to faith.

‘Kadence and Friends: A Little Birdie Told Me’ by Julienne Lingle. One night, Kadence and Lily were camping when Lily started to gossip. The next day everyone was spreading the gossip Lily had said, and though she felt bad, will she learn that gossiping is bad?

‘IT’ by Mark Hattas. A young musician gets some encouragement when he needs it most.

‘Stumpy the Fox Stop Being Lazy’ by Julienne Lingle. When Stinky Paws doesn’t show up for work to just lay around at home and be lazy, Stumpy tries to teach him a lesson. But will Stinky Paws learn his lesson and stop being lazy?

‘Shine Your Light’ By Courtney Lee Simpson. On young Shaun’s first day at a new school, his Mother’s advice helps him get through it!

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 April 2024 Contest:

‘God’s Word Is Like…Word Pictures that Bring the Bible to Life’ by Akaya Kitchen. A book of analogies that describe the Bible, this book features eighteen word pictures that bring the Bible to life for young children. For example, "God's Word is like a light. It helps me see where I should go." "God's Word is like an umbrella. It protects me from the storms."

‘The Long, Long Journey: Driving Through the Land of Sorrow’ by Rex Goyer. This is the story of one man's journey through the pain of losing his beloved wife of more than twenty-two years when she died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep. It is filled with intense emotions rarely seen or even talked about as he recounts the story of this tragedy. If you have been touched by the loss of a spouse or a close loved one or know someone who has, this book offers comfort, hope, and healing to those with a hurting heart. It explores some of the hard questions and often common feelings that so many will find themselves confronting when that one special person steps from time to eternity. Most likely, you will find yourself crying, remembering, and sometimes even laughing right along with the author as you travel through The Long, Long Journey.


‘Waking God’s Prophet’ by Vic Quinton. This book very creatively brings to life the angels and demons from the Bible, from creation to the fall to present day, as they go about the business of their leaders. It also weaves in the story of a family in America and how the angels helped them overcome many obstacles over the generations!

‘The Timeless Apostle’ by Ken Urbansky. Meet Tommy Evans, a college dropout and skeptic who has ended up back in his father’s very religious household. One moment he’s rehashing a heated argument with his dad about Christianity, and the next, he’s waking up in the body of the apostle Thomas in ancient Galilee. At first, he hopes it’s just a vivid dream, but after meeting Jesus, seeing the miracles and hearing the teachings, it seems real to him! Unlike all the other people around him, Tommy knows what is about to happen to Jesus, and ponders whether to save Jesus or maintain the biblical timeline! Which course will he choose?!

‘Sanctity in our daily walk: A daily prayer book’ by Tony Williams. This book is a tool that can be used to bring us back to God by finding blessings all around us. By dedicating our work and lives to God, we find ourselves and the path the heaven.

‘And...So We Walked: The Inspirational Story of a Couple's Walk Across America’ by Rick and Jane McKinney. The incredible story of Rick and Jane McKinney, who from January to July in 2006, walked from the Santa Monica  Peer in California to the Supreme Court in Washington DC. Inspired by God, they called it the walk to reclaim America. Their remarkable journey is documented in this book in both words and pictures!

‘Two Rivers’ by Michael Henry. Two Rivers – Follows the westward journey of a young preacher, Allen Hartman, in 1840 to become a missionary to the Indians. He is thrust into deeper ministry and spiritual warfare than he ever imagined. His encounter with a death curse draws him to the edge of soul slavery which only intercession can rescue.

‘Holy Love: A Memoir of Sorrow to Glory’ by Jill Smith. Jill E. Smith invites you to share her journey that began in childhood and impacted her well into adulthood. You might even find yourself identifying with some if not most of this shared testimony, because everyone has a story. We all have secrets. If you live in Mayberry-where everything goes pretty much as planned and life always seems perfect-then this book is probably not for you. Most of us have high expectations for our lives but find ourselves in a broken world. This passionate book, unflinching in its honesty reveals the transformation that happens when God is invited into the journey. Jill's story, is a remarkable and reliable companion for those who are hurting, yet hopeful!

‘Stumpy the Fox Gets Greedy’ by Julienne Lingle. Stumpy is a fox with a collection of eggs in his home. When the other foxes nearby are hungry, they ask Stumpy for some of his eggs. Stumpy looks back at the time when they made fun of him and doesn’t want to share. Will he remember ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’, or will he be greedy?


‘Adaline and Yorky: The Unexpected Gift’ by Julienne Lingle. It’s Yorky’s birthday and her friends have come to her party to celebrate. When she receives an unexpected gift, she has a hard time being thankful. Will she remember it’s not about the gift, but the love behind the gift?

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 April 2024 Contest:

‘Behind School Walls: Mind Graffiti’ by Jim H. Darnell and Dawn Renee Darnell. A book written to improve classroom learning based on the two learning types of children. The literary mind paints pictures while the mathematical mind creates movies. The mind graffiti is what keeps the mind stuck in one and blind to the other. Welcome to the uncommon answers to common problems from behind school walls.

‘You Are What You Think You Are’ by Vernita Simmons. Our Words Have Sound effects! Do you feel you are going through a vicious cycle of defeat? Do you long for a breakthrough but do not know how to be set free? In this book come and travel with Vernita as she opens our eyes to how powerful our words, actions, and thoughts are. Through 7 valuable principles, she guides us in reshaping our mindset while breaking the patterns of defeat.

‘Stumpy the Fox Learns Courage’ by Julienne Lingle. Stumpy, a silver fox, looks and feels different from the other foxes. When danger approaches his calf friend Ivy, he must do something to save her. Will Stumpy find the courage to help her?

‘Donna My Reason’ by Dennis Wright. To love and be loved is the greatest endeavor in life. Donna and I have found that kind of love. It is the kind of love that naturally creates serenity. We are at our best together and have had 4 arguments in 16 years. I write her poetry because of that love and we have a bond that transcends all hardship. We had at one time three teenagers and life got interesting. We have only one child at home now and very soon we are off to see the world. You can help by buying this book. Some of the verse here is from our beginnings and none of it is in order time wise, but it is all positive and we feel that you cannot help but be blessed. Come, enjoy our love with us and you will see why I love her like I do.

‘Lasting Transformation: A Guide to Navigating Life's Journey’ by Abby Rosen PhD. Lasting Transformation takes you on a journey to experience the process of transformation, which can result in powerful, positive change. Life's journey provides us with many opportunities for self-knowledge, self-love, and deep personal transformation. The road map outlined in ’Lasting Transformation’ gives specific guidance for this journey. It offers important insights and effective strategies for developing a strong self, fulfilling relationships, and deep soul-wisdom. Dr. Abby Rosen shares the experience of her thirty-nine-year pilgrimage integrating psychotherapy and spirituality. Each chapter includes real client experiences that show the process of behavioral change and lasting transformation, humorous cartoons, and practical exercises that together provide a road map to help you navigate the sacred journey of your life.

‘Cruising Toward Heaven 2: A Spiritual Journey Into Life-Saving Rescues’ by Robert Ekno. Do you have fears that have caused you immense pain or anguish? Has your lack of trust in God led you to pass on amazing opportunities? Have you missed out on some of the greatest experiences that life has presented you as a result of your fears and/or unwillingness to believe in the improbable? If so, you're not alone. Author Rob Ekno has experienced these feelings too, and after a life-changing adventure in Alaska, wrote this book to share how to overcome your fears to live your best life as you cruise toward heaven!

‘I Love You, More’ by Gabriele McCracken. Every parent loves their child. That immense and profound love is difficult to explain to a child in a way they'll understand. In a beautiful, but simple manner, I Love You, More, author Gabriele McCracken explains just how and why a parent could love their child more. This picture book for children communicates how there is nothing quite like a mother's love. The story journeys through the country with a lullaby of love between a mama and her child.

‘Jesus’ Love is Like an Ocean’ Megan Ingles. Have you ever wondered how deep the ocean is? Join Papa as he shares with his daughter that Jesus’ love for her is so deep; the more she seeks Him, the more she will grow in knowing Him.

‘Seekers of the Kingdom’ by Cal Robertson. A fast paced adventure involving a retired Roman army officer Octavius, who is appointed by Rome to be the Mayor of Hippos, a city located east of the sea of Galilee. Repulsed by the lifestyle of Roman’s who only seek to satisfy their every indulgence, he embraces a new life in Judea, searching for the real purpose and meaning of life.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 January 2024 Contest:

‘From the Back of a Donkey: Journey of a Lifetime’ by Nancy Elaine Hartman Minor. Are you weary of all the commercialization around Christmas? Dive in and discover a new way to experience the Christmas story. This retelling of the Christmas story brings the narrative to life in a way that will leave you captivated and emotionally moved, including 21 full color illustrations!

‘Exile of the King’ by Gary Ivey. This is a book series which brings the Old Testament to life with dramatic storytelling and powerful writing! The second novel in the "Age of the Kingdom" series begins where ‘Quest for a King’ left off. In ‘Exile of the King’ David, whom many believe will be the next king, is forced into exile by the jealous King Saul. Will Azel desert his post and follow? Will Jeriahcontinue to loyally serve Saul? How can the young nation survive the forces of jealousy and violence that threaten to rip it apart?

‘The Land of Hearts’ by Antwinette Scott. An adventure story for young children that centers around Wise-Heart, Sick-Heart, Broken-Heart, and their companions as they embark on a journey to meet the King-of-Hearts in the Great City

‘God's Gracious Killer: God's Conquering of a Dark Heart’ by Dwight David Croy. A soldier fighting against the ancient Assyrian Empire, Namaan and his small band of supporters go on an extraordinary journey, and meet Yahweh the true God!

‘Greeny Greenleaf Says, "The Best Gift Ever is in my Bathtub"’ by Pamela Blackmore Collins. Greeny is halfway to being an adult, celebrating his ninth birthday soon, and he just doesn’t want to grow up. But he doesn’t want to be a baby anymore, so he asks his parents for a birthday gift of walking home from school alone. This book for young readers shares a funny, joyful story of a young boy’s journey to growing up and finding God by experiencing a miracle along the way.

‘God's Love and Promises: Bedtime Bible Stories for Young Hearts’ by Mary Jane Coy. A children’s bedtime story book that introduces young children to the Bible and helps them lay a foundation for a lifelong relationship with God. Through engaging narratives, children will be introduced to Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses, and more. Along the way, they will learn important lessons about courage, faith, forgiveness, and love.

‘Tabor - A Christmas Tale’ by Betsy Wallace. In this Christmas story, a young camel named Tabor learns to face life’s challenges using faith and prayer, the importance of family and friends, and witnesses an event that will change the world forever!

‘Guided by Wisdom’ by Chris Long. The Bible holds all the answers, and "Guided by Wisdom" is here to help adolescents use the Bible to help them respond biblically to the challenges and questions they face every day. This book will show you how God's Word is relevant in decision-making, problem-solving, guidance, and character growth.

‘Calvin & Coco: The Flying Kernel’ by Julienne Lingle. Calvin and his dog, Coco, live on a farm. When it’s time to plant a field, Calvin receives a seed that’s bigger than the others. Will this seed grow like the rest or does God have a different plan?

‘The Girl and Her Noble Steed’ by Kirthana J Fanning. Embark on a remarkable journey with an orphan girl determined to conquer a thrilling race. Overcoming obstacles with the power of prayer, she's joined by a cantankerous farmer and his singing, dancing miniature donkey. Together, they defy the odds, showcasing the strength of faith, courage, and friendship.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 October 2023 CBA Contest:

‘Sofia’s Beauty’ by Brenda Gates. Sofia is trapped in an abusive marraige but refuses to leave because her evil husband owns a modeling magazine and she is addicted to the lifestyle, status, and money he provides. Her life is turned upside down when she wakes up in the 1800’s as a single woman with no money. As she begins life anew in this strange tough time, she meets wonderful people who teach her what life is really about! What is God trying to show her, and what choices will she make?

‘Time To Really Live Free’ by Darlene Gaston. What does it mean to ‘live free in Christ’? Why would Jesus tell us to ‘go and sin no more’ knowing that we sin every day? Are you tired of beating yourself up because you can’t live up to your ideal of what it means to be a good Christian? This book explores these important topics and will help you find your freedom in Christ, because it is time to really live free. 

‘The Door Is Open’ by Darlene Gaston. Jesus opened the door for the whole world, the entire human race, for all time, and invited all of us to live in God's portion. When we know that we know for 100 percent surety, within our core values, that God loves us no matter what, then we walk like we are loved 100 percent, and this is how everything else follows.This book explores these important topics and will help you understand these things and more!

‘Liam McTrium Series: Fear at the Museum’ by Julienne Lingle. Join Liam McTriumand his friends as they learn about God's promises together through many trials and adventures.

‘Calington Castle 1: Learning to Love the Truth’ by Richard Feller. An action adventure book series set in Medieval times for kids and parents to read together which highlights themes of ‘having integrity’ and ‘doing the right thing no matter the consequences’ and ‘what is truth and how do we know the truth is’! Set around a kingdom that is crumbling from the inside, KING HENRY, the protector of Calington and carrier of the light, has now fallen under an evil person’s influence, and his son, PRINCE LIAM, is forced to travel outside the kingdom to find the truth behind what is going on and why. However there is a bigger battle being waged behind the scenes, and LIAM is the dividing object of these forces affections!

‘The Planet Blue: The Adventures of Harry Lee and Bingo’ by Johnny Walker. The Planet Blue - a children’s story teaching about love, respect and God. Harry Lee and Bingo travel from the PLANET BLUE to earth to help earth children learn about nature and the beauty of the world God created.

‘Quest for a King’ by Gary Ivey. This first book in the ‘Age of the Kingdom’ series is a fictional telling based on actual Biblical accounts that follows several generations of multiple families in the time when Israel first decided to have a king. A catastrophic battle sets in motion events that birth Israel's first monarchy, but the king's fecklessness puts the fate of the nation in doubt. Can Israel's fledgling kingdom survive attacks from without and rivals within?

‘JOB'S VICTORIES - A DEVOTIONAL: inspirations for overcoming trials’ by REV Jim Darnell. A devotional with 224 daillysegments focusing on healing, a new way of thinking, and how to discover God’s thrill along the way!

‘LIGHTNING BUTTERFLIES: CATCHING THE TELEPORTATION BUG’ by Dawn Renee Darnell and Jim Darnell. Deep in the jungles of Africa, discovering the secrets of the lightning butterflies winds itself through coercion to reveal the mysteries of teleportation, escapes, captures, a legendary faith, witchcraft, comical personalities, being framed for bank heists, love, predictions of doom, caught between crooks and tormentors; and most of all, the preparing of hearts for God’s miracles. African events are based on actual experiences, real places, and true legends. A clean Christian Novel!

‘SCHOOLHOUSE DOGS: FACE LIFE’ by Dawn Renee Darnell and Jim Darnell. The escapades of 12 puppies in an action-packed, fast-paced adventure starting on the first day of school. The puppies face bullying, bad teachers, boy humor, and girl chitchat with some hilarious scenes. Through forgiveness, acceptance, commitment to selfless giving, and encouragement, friendships are made!

‘The Gospel of the Four: A Unique Conflation of the Four Gospels into a Single Continuous Narrative, Explicated by the Author's Commentary’ by Peter Boaz Jones. What started out as a small project to document the 42 miracles of Jesus recorded in the New Testament of the has turned into much more! This well researched and scholarly presentation of The Gospel of the Four shows how all four texts parallel each other intrinsically without the anomalies frequently and erroneously mentioned by many even devoted believers. It is a complete synchronization of the Synoptic Gospels with the Gospel of John, which takes account of all the relevant arguments relating to this particular subject.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 July 2023 Christian Book Awards Contest:

‘Feebee and the Hero's Path’ by Trey Williams. A family friendly kids adventure where ten year old Feebee and her faithful velociraptor friend Priss-zilla go on an epic adventure to save her family from an evil giant named Og!

‘Adaline and Yorky: Learning to Be Kind’ by Julienne Lingle. A family friendly kids book where Adaline and her friend Yorky the unicorn find it hard to be friends with a bragging Alice. Will they be able to follow the Bible and learn to be kind?

‘Seginus: The Eternal Time Traveler’ by Ganesh Shenoy.  A family friendly science fiction story where Seginus, a time travelling rescue agent from the year 31021, journeys to the time of Jesus to find and rescue three lost time travelers!

‘Because of You, I Lost Everything! True Stories Told from the Eyes of a Missionary Kid’ by REV Jim Darnell. A first hand account of the author’s many bizarre and amazing adventures growing up in Africa as the son of missionaries!

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 April 2023 Christian Book Awards Contest:

‘Fight or Flight: Double O'Two Mysteries’ by Double Blessing Ja’Naya and Jay’Den-Alexis.  A family friendly kids adventure where young detectives Miss, Madam, and their faithful sidekick Deputy take the case to solve a murder mystery in the United States!

‘Check and Mate: Double O'Two Mysteries’ by Double Blessing Ja’Naya and Jay’Den-Alexis. A family friendly kids adventure where young detectives Miss, Madam, and their faithful sidekick Deputy take the case to solve a mystery in Paris France! 

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 January 2023 Christian Book Awards Contest:

‘The Land of Good Dreams’ by Tammy Thompson. Just when she lost everything, a mysterious world of light welcomes her in. For Samantha, life isn’t fair, not even close. Now in new foster care, and a new school, emptiness and loneliness consume her.

‘Hope Holds You’ by Tammy Thompson. An inspirational illustrated book on what it means to hold onto hope.

‘Christmas -The Greatest Story Ever Told: 25-Day Devotional Celebrating the Events Surrounding the Birth of Jesus’ by Vernita Simmons. Let the depth of Jesus’ love and peace of His presence fill your heart this Christmas season. Many of us have Christmas traditions that we pass down from generation to generation. So, during this hectic season, somehow, many have overlooked the true blessing of Christmas. This glorious holiday brought us something more precious than; the traditional customs many use to honor this rare occasion. Still, in this heartfelt masterpiece, Christmas -The Greatest Story Ever Told, a 25-day devotional captures the miraculous events surrounding the birth of Jesus.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 October 2022 Christian book Award Contest:

Joseph 3-In-1 Superhero series by Joseph Lupton. Join our favorite superhero as Chicken Man, Pickle man, and the Rat of Justice as they battle evil and fight for justice in the world!

God is Able’ by Tammy Thompson. A study of 2 Corinthians 9:8. Have you ever longed to have all sufficiency in all things, not just sometimes but always? Have you ever thought about what some of those all things could be? God is willing and waiting to move in your life to help you abound to every good work He calls you to do. I spent two years studying this verse, reading it, pondering it, and seeking God for a deeper understanding. I marveled at the eye opening revelations He revealed to me on this verse. The inspiration for this book came from that journey into a deeper understanding of this life changing verse. Join me in this study of 2 Corinthians 9:8 to understanding the power and promises in this verse.

‘From The Darkness To The Light’ by Sergeant De Mortimer. This book is an autobiography about how he went from a heavy metal musician to a follower of Christ!

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 June 2021 Christian Book Awards Contest:

‘Island Girl: A Triumph of the Spirit’ by Norma Joyce Dougherty. This inspiring book is an autobiography written by Norma Joyce Dougherty! Do you feel like you are never good enough or never measure up - no matter how hard you try? Norma Joyce Dougherty knows all about the glitz and glamour that many women want. As a former Miss Dominion of Canada and contestant in Miss World, Miss Universe, Queen of the Pacific, and a semi-finalist in Miss International, beauty represented an escape to a better life. But, all that glitters is not gold. Having faced many obstacles as a young girl, she then faced an identity crisis once the spotlights dimmed on her new life. Island Girl: A Triumph of the Spirit is the true story of overcoming adversity that is seen and inner struggles that are unseen. Norma's extraordinary account will keep you captivated and reveal how any woman can: 1. Accept herself no matter how she looks 2. Feel beautiful in her own skin 3. Find hope and purpose in both success and failure 4. Answer the questions: Who am I? Where do I belong? What is my purpose? 5. Be an overcomer 6. Replace shame and guilt with a joyous, radiant face and 7. Experience the deep, abiding love of God! Women of every age will relate to the identity crisis that Norma experienced - a crisis perpetuated today with the bombardment of marketing campaigns that focus on looking, acting, and being someone we're not. Choose this triumphant story instead and discover the true beauty that lies within you!

‘You Are Good Enough: Becoming GREATER By Seeing Yourself As God Sees You’ by Veronica Simmons. Inspired by the timeless movie; “Greater”; the incredible story of Brandon Burlsworth who is perhaps the greatest walk-on in the history of college football….Vernita’s Devotionals will empower those who have been told; “you are not good enough”. Written off by those who consider you as awkward, inferior, less likely to achieve anything and an embarrassment…. How can you possibly rise above such negative analysis? How can a teenager become GREATER when she’s teased because her right eye is crossed, but yet, it’s part of who she is? Come…Travel with Vernita, as she reveals when you see yourself as God sees you, Greatness will emerge. With faith and un-deterrent determination, God will raise you up to show the world that there is more to you than meets the eye. Beloved, not only are you are good enough, you are beautiful enough, strong enough and smart enough. God loves you. You mean the world to Him.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 March 2021 Christian Book Awards Contest:

‘Chance of a Lifetime’ Jennifer Shenefield. The story of a guide dog's journey through his own eyes, the same eyes that see for those who cannot see themselves. Through his unique perspective, readers discover the good in animals and people alike, and the beauty of the bonds between them.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 December 2020 Christian Book Awards Contest:

‘Cemetery Plots’ by Michael McClendon. In the town of Sulfur Fork TN strange things start to happen when they move their cemetery.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 October 2020 Christian Book Awards Contest!

‘Man Up To Infertility’ by  Dr. Pete Roscoe. An educational book with a Biblical perspective written to help men whose marriages have not produced children yet.

'Prodigals' by Mr. Sumit Deshpande.  A Tale of Lost Sons and a Loving Father.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 July 2020 Christian Book Awards Contest!

‘The Last Christmas Tree' by Deborah Hoffman with Paintings by Robert Sauber. The heartwarming story of a little Christmas Tree named TWIG who no one wanted, but grew up to be so wonderful he was put on Christmas cards and became known all over the world. 

'The Good Soldier’ by Gregory Granderson. A one shot comic about forgiveness and redemption for a Soldier who gave all he had for his country!

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 April 2020 Christian Book Awards Contest!

‘Lord Teach Us To Live’ by Ms. Jennifer Chamberlain.  This Non-Fiction book uses the Lord’s Prayer to teach us lessons to guide our daily lives.  Most people think of the ‘Our Father’ as just a prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, but the author has skillfully broken the prayer down into sections, and through her knowledge and wisdom, has brought forth lessons to help Christians walk stronger and more faithfully!  All those who read this self help book will definitely benefit from it!

Christian Book Award Winners for 1 July 2019 Christian Book Awards Contest!

‘The Holy Land Adventure’ by Mr. Chris Wright. This entry for Kids/Middle School and Teen/High Schoolers is a 140 page activity book that tells the story of Jesus in a fun and creative way!  You wake up one morning and the room seems strange. It’s not only bright daylight, but you can hear people shouting and talking outside the window. And it isn’t even your window. Your window has curtains, not these wooden shutters that are now wide open. You don’t know where you are, but you’re definitely not in your own house! Ahead of you are 140 pages of adventure and puzzles. You don’t have to do the puzzles. You can just turn the page and carry on with your adventure. However, the puzzles are very much part of what’s happening, so try and solve them if you can. You are invited to enter the time tunnel and wake up in a land over 2,000 years ago!

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 October 2018 Christian Book Awards!

‘A Mountain Too High’ by Mr. Michael McClendon.  This Non-Fiction book is based on the story of Jackie Carpenter whose son Jason is accused of murder, and she fights for his freedom.

‘eMinistry- Virtual Pathways for Spiritual Leadership’ by Dr. Laura Speeth. This Non-Fiction book serves as a guide for ministers looking to learn how to effectively communicate and expand their ministry online.

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 July 2018 Christian Book Awards!

‘A Mustard Seed Wish’ by Debbi Soni. Zola is a little girl living in 1945 World War II. Through an adventure with a seed, she learns about the kind of faith it takes to make her wish come true.

‘The Hollow Earth – Revisited’ by Danny Weiss. An exciting fiction story about a man who finds a peaceful civilization living at the center of the Earth.

‘A Curious Pebble – The Hollow Earth and the Pursuit of the Holy Lance’ by Danny and David Weiss. The exciting sequel to ‘Hollow Earth – Revisited’!  A draft resister flees the US to Iceland tempted by absolute power and destiny of the world for either good or evil while encountering an advanced civilization living in the center of the Earth.

‘My Grief Journey: Coloring Book and Journal FOR KIDS’ by Ms. Laura Diehl.  Do you know a child who has faced a deep loss, such as the death of a parent, sibling or grandparent? Are you looking for a way to help them sort out their thoughts and emotions? My Grief Journey: Coloring Book and Journal for Kids is for any age (including adult “kids”) who are learning how to live after the death of someone dearly loved and deeply missed.

‘My Grief Journey: Coloring Book and Journal (For Grieving Parents)’ by Ms. Laura Diehl. Are you a grieving parent, looking for ways to help relieve the intense pain, anger, and confusion? Are you struggling with why God would allow your child to die. Do you want to move toward hope and life again?

Christian Book Award Winners for the 1 April 2018 Christian Book Awards!

‘A Town Called Redemption’ by Ms. Jodi Gardner Bremer. This is a very creative fiction story! Tex Hammond is a young man with a secret. A secret he’s trying very hard to run away from. Then one cold, rainy day, Tex finds himself stranded in the little town of Redemption. Just when things seem to be at their darkest, along comes Martha Tucker, a retired schoolteacher. With her purple galoshes and her thermos full of black coffee, Martha reaches out to Tex. In so doing, she sets off a chain of events that will help lead Tex Hammond on a personal journey of faith. A journey that will help Tex realize it’s time to stop running, and start trusting. 

Christian Book Award Winners for 1 December 2017 Christian Book Awards!

‘The Wonderful Counselor’ by Ms. Aretha Tatum. The Kingdom life is so much more than attending church services on Sunday.  As born again believers in Christ we are not part of a religion, we are in a relationship, and its personal.  We must seek to hear from God to find out our purpose, to receive comfort, direction, and quite often correction.  The Wonderful Counselor is a testimony of supernatural encounters and words of wisdom received from the Lord.  This book will encourage you to start your own sessions with the one who is called in Isaiah 9.6 Wonderful Counselor.  

‘Heroes From Heaven: Battlefield Earth’ by Dr. Scott Glenn. This fiction story is about a future battle between good and evil! Gen. Barzna, a vicious killer, is commissioned by MaTias—an evil and heartless 7 CA leader who intends to take over the world—to destroy the religious faithful. However, the Heroes from Heaven, biblical characters, arrive on earth, and the religious faithful are resurrected, including LacHain and two of the 7 CA leaders who had converted before they died. Together, they defeat MaTias and Barzna, and help to restore a destroyed world, but not before Barzna comes to a realization that he has been on the wrong side of history all along.

Christian Book Award Winners for 1 September 2017 Christian Book Awards!

‘Angel on Assignment’ by Wanda Carter Roush. If your family loves the Elf on the Shelf and you want to keep the fun going, check out Angel on Assignment. It’s a children’s activity book that offers a Christian alternative to the elf, teaching children about the angels who watch over them, not just at Christmas but all year long.  With beautiful illustrations and rhyming verse, Angel on Assignment takes readers through the angels’ roles in the Christmas story and presents the ways guardian angels look out for boys and girls today—and how children can act as angels in disguise for friends who need help. See how many angels your child can find—some are hiding!  At the end of the book, you’ll find detailed instructions for making your own angel. When you’re finished, you can introduce your angel to your elf and let them keep an eye on things. Then post a photo of your creation to the book’s Facebook page, and check out the angels that other families have made!

Go West: 10 Principles That Guided My Cowboy Journey’ by Jeremy Sparks. Many of us would say it takes guts and a little bit of crazy to step toe-to-toe with a powerful 1,800-pound bull. For bull fighter Jeremy Sparks, it took faith and a calling from God. With a sincere desire to keep God at his center, Sparks recounts the western way of life, his death-defying journey to the Hall-of-Fame, and the Cowboy Principles that kept him grounded in his faith.  His journey includes the flat-lining of his dream after being electrocuted when he was 18, the stalling of his dream again after choosing to serve in the Armed Forces following 9/11 (the Pentagon later branded him as the “only professional bull fighter in the history of the Air Force”, and, at 36, being enshrined as the youngest cowboy ever in the historic Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo Hall  of Fame.  The 10 principles of his testimony prove that if God can use him, He can use you, too!

‘My Cousin Lili’ by Amy Lightfoot, Sally Lightfoot, and Teofilo Padilla.  Written by the niece of a missionary in Honduras, My Cousin Lili is a colorful and delightful story about a young girl from Honduras and all that she teaches her new cousin, Amy, in the United States about life and children with disabilities.  The book highlights Lili's uniqueness as a child with autism spectrum disorder in a beautiful way and is illustrated by a talented Honduran artist who is Deaf.


'Christian Film Stars: Interviews With The Best' by Lisa Stillwell.  Have you ever wondered about actors and producers in Christian Films? What led them to where they are and what compels them to be involved in the Christian Film Industry? Lisa Stillwell didn't just wonder but interviewed some of them and put it into a book! 

Christian Book Award Winners for 1 July 2017 Christian Book Awards!

‘Joe Louis is Coming to Town’ by Leonard Varasano A Fiction Book about a decorated war hero returns home to Alabama and befriends a recently relocated youth!



'When Tragedy Strikes’ by Laura Diehl.  A Non-Fiction Book which is written to help those who have had their faith shattered by tragedy and loss, especially the loss of a child.



Chriatian Book Award Winners for 1 October 2016 Christian Book Awards!

'MOMO' is a GOLD Medal award winner in the 'TEEN: Fiction' category!  A Father, a son, and something else!!  This inspirational thriller is set on the plains of present day Missouri!  In this awesome story a father named Mark and his son Evan team up to defend their town from the Missouri Monster, a legendary and ferocious Big Foot creature bent on destruction!  

Christian Book Award Winners for 1 April 2016 Christian Book Awards!

'Boonville Redemption: The End of the Beginning' is a Gold Medal Award winner for both 'Fiction' and 'Teen' categories!  This wonderfully written book by Mrs. Judy Belshe-Toernblom is a Christian romance based in the early West of Anderson Valley California; A story of loves triumphs and losses in the harsh new frontier of the 1800s to the early 1900s spanning nearly 30 years; There are so many ways that love can complete someone or cause great damage; The prequel to the movie Boonville Redemption! See the details at the landing page in the bottom left web page tabs!



Congratulations CBA winners!