'Raegan and RJ in Space!' (R&RJiS) is the multiple award winning story of the first Christians to start their own private space program and colonize Alpha Centauri! It was done to give Christian kids a fun and interesting story to enjoy with a happy ending. The storyline is that in the near future 50 families got together and formed their own town in the USA called Hope Tennessee, started the Christian Space Program (CSP), built the first starship called the 'Christian Star Ship (CSS) 001 Faith', all with the goal of colonizing Alpha Centauri the nearest star to our solar system! Once people heard about what they were doing, Christians from all over the world started to help them! After 5 years they were ready to go! Most of the stories revolve around Raegan, a 13 year old girl, and RJ, her 11 year old younger brother, and their life and adventures on the colony ship 'CSS 001 Faith'. In R&RJiS there are no aliens, guns, or battles, just out of this world adventure and excitement as Raegan and RJ help the CSP 'Colonize the Galaxy for Christ!'
Go NOW - Watch our 6 time award winning cartoon at our Youtube channel here -

Kindle Edition:
Paperback edition:


New 'RAEGAN AND RJ IN SPACE' T-SHIRTS! Hi everyone here is the link where you can purchase 4 different R&RJiS T-Shirts - 1. Classic Anime, 2. R&RJiS JFE First to Mars, 3. R&RJs Space Adventure video App Game, and 4. R&RJiS Duncan Long Trilogy Poster!
Here is a picture of what our T-Shirt store looks like at the Link!

New R&RJiS Music Video on YouTube - 'Colonize The Galaxy' our theme song by Ben Mullins click to watch here -

Great job Ben - enjoy everyone!
Hey everyone - 'Raegan and RJ's Space Adventure!' is our new video game APP that is FREE to download!
iPhone iPad download link on iTunes -
Android download link on Google Play -
Here is our game poster:

New FREE video game app for Android, iPhone, and iPad!
Raegan and RJ's Space Adventure - the ultimate Christian kids space adventure - like you've never played it before!

'Raegan and RJ's Space Adventure!' is a video game APP that is FREE to download on the Android, iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch! In this fun and family friendly arcade came, your goal is to help Raegan and RJ explore planets and collect valuable space rocks for the Christian Space Program, but watch out for dangerous obstacles - Tap to Jump! Rated E for Everyone! Woo-hoo! Go Raegan and RJ in Space!
Download the FREE video game app for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch at this link on the iTunes store:
Download the FREE video game app for your Android phone at this link on the Google Play store:
Tap to Jump! To avoid the dangerous obstacles like the crevice in the game screen below as the character approaches it TAP on Raegan or RJ to make them jump over it and avoid losing endurance (if you hit to many obstacles you run out of endurance [the heart icons] and the game ends):

If you download and play you will become part of a GLOBAL community of Christians that enjoy our family friendly space adventure! Our game has been downloaded and played in the following countries so far - United States, Canada, Argentina, Sweden, Slovakia, Turkey, Ireland, UK, Hong Kong, France, Philippines, Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia, China, Kuwait, Iraq, UAE, Qatar, India, Ghana, South Korea, Latvia, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa!!! So come on and join the adventure!
ADD AND LOG-IN FREE! Hey Moms - alot of free game apps show adds to make money or have you log-in to play so they can track and sell your personal information - ours does not - so you never have to worry about what your kids may see next while playing our game or what is being done with your information - just a free family friendly game for your iPhone, iPad, or Android that you can give to them to play and occupy their time while you are shopping, in the car, waiting at the doctor's office, or hanging out at home!
Here is our awesome game cover:
Here is a picture of the game play with Raegan or RJ:

Here is a picture of the point screen:

Victory! If you get to the end of the game, congratulations, you get the victory screen and a point total here:

Download the FREE video game app for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch at this link on the iTunes store:
Download the FREE video game app for your Android phone at this link on the Google Play store:
The video game app is FREE to download and FREE to play Level 1!!
The app has an in-app upgrade of 99 cents which is paid once to unlock levels 2-5 forever! Levels 2-5 add 4 more planets to explore with new backgrounds, increases each game time from about 3 minutes to 15 minutes, and increases the difficulty level because with each new level the character moves faster, which gives less reaction time to avoid the dangerous obstacles!
New 'award winning' 3D animated adventure!
'Raegan and RJ in Space: First to Mars!' professionally animated 3D adventure by Jumping Frog Entertainment, the best animation company in the world! The ultimate Christian Space Adventure - like you've never seen it before!!!!! Take a space journey with Raegan, RJ, and six of their friends to Mars and back! This is the coolest animated Christian kids space adventure ever!

Our 3D animated adventure is a 6 time award winner we won the BEST ANIMATION awards at the Christian Family Film Festival in 2017, Christian Cinemafest in 2018, the Christian Georgia Film Festival in 2021, Christian Georgia Film Festival in 2022, Knoxville International Christian Film Festival, and Best Director Award at the Knoxville international Christian Film Festival, and was also shown at the Faith Film Festival in 2015, the Christian Worldview Film Festival in 2016, the Big Cross Christian Film Festival in 2016, the HIS Film Festival in 2017, and the Nieves Christian Film Festival in 2021 - Go R&RJiS!!!!

You can watch this video at our YouTube channel here:
Go to the STORE Tab and you can order a DVD of the cartoon with special extras like the pilot and storyboards:
'Award-Winning' Graphic Novel!
We now have a new graphic novel adapted from the above animated adventure! This GN won a 2016 Readersfavorite Graphic Novel Book Award! It is the only professionally done Christian Space Adventure available! You can get it from Amazon for only $6.95 at this link just click on it or cut and paste it into your browser:
You can also get it on Kindle from Amazon for only $2.99 at this link just click on it or cut and paste it into your browser:
You can download a free low resolution digital copy of this GN in a pdf at the web page called 'FREE GRAPHIC NOVEL' along the left side tabs! Enjoy!!!

Go Reagan and RJ in Space!
Here are the graphic novel stories:

1) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Colonizing the Galaxy for Christ' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is a 48 page graphic novel set in the year 2025, and tells the story of the first Christians to colonize Alpha Centauri! In this graphic novel we meet all the families, get introduced to Hope Tennessee and the Christian Space Program, see the CSS Faith launch, see Raegan and RJ save the Earth from an incoming asteroid and receive medals for bravery from the President, see all the kids have a race with the emergency escape speeders, see the families establish the colony of 'New Hope', and finally celebrate the first Christmas in a new star system. THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL IS A 2014 READERSFAVORITE.COM BOOK AWARD WINNER! Cover art and illustrations by Mr. Robert Stimpson.
2) 'Raegan y RJ en el Espacio: Colonizando la Galaxia por Cristo!' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is a Spanish version of the graphic novel above. It is 48 pages full color. It contains the original story, but everyone speaks Spanish throughout. It was done so kids in Spanish speaking countries can enjoy the story! It is set in the year 2025, and tells the story of Raegan and RJ and 5 Christian families travelling to the Alpha Centauri Star System to colonize it for Jesus. 'Go Raegan and RJ in Space' - or as we can now say 'Vayan Raegan y RJ en el Espacio!' Covert art and illustrations by Mr. Robert Stimpson.
3) 'Drawing Raegan and RJ in Space: Colonizing the Galaxy for Christ' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is a 25 page graphic novel which shows how Mr Stimpson illustrated the stunning 'masterpiece' above. The full color graphic novel goes through 25 pages of different subjects like the CSS Faith Star Ship, Raegan and RJ, the Emeregency Escape Speeders, the Bridge, and has a little explanation, a beginning sketch, and the final subject the way it appears in the graphic novel. This graphic novel is intended both for fans of R&RJiS, but also for any up and coming illustrators or artists who want to study Mr. Stimpson's techniques. The cover is awesome, and was done to show what the novel is about, with an unfinished R&RJ illustrating the graphic novel! See how the amazing journey to Alpha Centauri was done! Cover art and illustrations by Mr. Robert Stimpson.

4) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Raegan and RJ Save the Day!’ – PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is an adventure for very young kids age 4-6 years old. It is full color, 28 pages long, set in 2025, and tells the story of Raegan and RJ on the orbiting moon station with their friends, when they get a distress call from a family from another space program, not as advanced as ours, whose rocket ship, the 'Andromeda', has lost power on the moon. Can Raegan and RJ rescue the family before their air and supplies run out? Find out in 'Raegan and RJ Save the Day!' Cover art and illustrations by Ms. Jennifer Lusong. THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL IS BOTH A 2014 PINNACLE BOOK AWARD WINNER AND A READERSFAVORITE.COM BOOK AWARD WINNER!
55) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: First to Mars' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is an adventure in which Raegan, RJ, Maria, Carlos, Kayla, Demarco, Juan, and Clara, become the first humans to explore Mars. During their visit they deploy a scientific satellite to capture data, emplace a Christian Space Program marker, and deploy a 'Terra-forming' machine which will change Mars and its atmosphere so it can be lived on by humans some day! 'Go Raegan and RJ in Space' - on Mars!!! It is 26 pages full color. Cover art and illustrations by Ms. Jennifer Lusong. THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL IS A 2014 PINNACLE BOOK AWARD WINNER AND A 2015 READERSFAVORITE.COM BOOK AWARD WINNER!
6) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Celebration at Alpha Centauri' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is a 30 page full color graphic novel which tells the story of Raegan, RJ, and 5 families travelling to Alpha Centauri to be the first colonists on a new world! It is set in the year 2025. Cover art and illustrations by Ms. Jennifer Lusong. THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL IS A 2015 READERSFAVORITE.COM BOOK AWARD FINALIST!THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL IS A 2014 PINNACLE BOOK AWARD WINNER AND A 2015 READERSFAVORITE.COM BOOK AWARD WINNER!

7) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Satellite Rescue' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is the 'Earth Mini-Adventure'. It is 34 pages full color, is set in September of the year 2024, is 9 months before the 'CSS Faith" and crew leave for Alpha Centauri; it tells the story of Raegan and RJ's first mission in which they are called on to rescue a satellite which has failed in orbit around Earth. Cover art and illustrations by Mr. D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong.
8) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Solar Storm' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is the 'Sun Mini-Adventure'. It is 30 pages full color, is set in the year 2025, and tells the story of Raegan, RJ, Imogene, and James, where they go on a mission to try and deflect an enormous solar flare after the largest solar storm in history. Can Raegan and RJ and their friends figure out a way to deflect this harmful flare from hitting the Earth? Find out in "Solar Storm"! Cover art by Mr. D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong. THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL IS A 2015 READERSFAVORITE.COM BOOK AWARD FINALIST!
9) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Mission to the 3 Suns' - PROFESSIONALLY ILLUSTRATED! This is the 'Alpha Centauri Mini-Adventure'. This was the first professionally illustrated graphic novel all the way through! It is 30 pages full color, is set in the year 2026, and tells the story of Raegan, RJ and 4 of their friends undertaking their first mission since arriving at their new colony at Alpha Centauri, in which they attempt to place information gathering satellites at each of Alpha Centauri's 3 suns. Cover art and illustrations by Mr. D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong. THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL IS A 2013 READERSFAVORITE.COM BOOK AWARD WINNER!

10) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Moon Crisis'- This is the 'Moon Mini-Adventure'. It is 26 pages full color, is set in the year 2025, and tells the story of Raegan, RJ, Carlos, and Maria, who go on a mission to save the Earth after the Moon's orbit is thrown out of whack by a rogue asteroid hitting the far side of the moon. Join Raegan, RJ, Carlos, and Maria as they race against tiem and the odds to save us! Can they figure out a way of savign the Earth from the incoming Moon and right it's orbit? Find out in 'Moon Crisis!' Cover art by D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong.
11) ‘Raegan and RJ in Space: The Deepening Sea’ – This is the 'Barnard’s Star Mini-Adventure'. It is 30 pages full color, is set in the year 2028, and tells the story of Raegan, RJ, May, and Jonathan, who go on a mission to save the colonies when a seismic activity causes the sea floor to start dropping. This is a very different story than any before told, because it is under the sea on another planet. Can Raegan and RJ reverse an undersea earthquake, tectonic plate shifts, and save everyone? Find out in 'The Deepening Sea'! Cover art by Mr. D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong. r art by Mr. D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong. Cover art by Mr. D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong. Find out in 'The Deepening Sea!'
12) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Final Mission' - This is the 'Galactic Mini-Adventure'. It is 26 pages full color, is set in the year 2039, and tells the story of the final mission for Raegan and RJ, where they are grown up and CPTs of the first Christian Super Star Ships 'CSSS 001 Genesis' and 'CSSS 002 Exodus', leaving to colonize the first two systems on the other side of our galaxy. Cover art by Mr. D.L. Maffett and Mr. Donald Armstrong.

and RJ in Space: Outbound!' - This is the 'Kruger 60' Mini-adventure. It is 26 pages full color, is set in the year 2028, and tells the story of the 6 families that journeyed to the 'Kruger 60' star system on the 'CSS 007 Mercy' to establish a colony. The three main families in the story are the Sanchez', Maffetts, and the Hunters. Maria and Carlos Sanchez , Imogene and James Maffett, along with Kayla and Demarco Hunter, are the adventurers. This story is unique in the series because Raegan and RJ are not in it, because they are at Barnard's Star in 2028. 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Outbound!' - This is the 'Kruger 60' Mini-adventure. It is 26 pages full color, is set in the year 2028, and tells the story of the 6 families that journeyed to the 'Kruger 60' star system on the 'CSS 007 Mercy' to establish a colony. The three main families in the story are the Sanchez', Maffetts, and the Hunters. Maria and Carlos Sanchez , Imogene and James Maffett, along with Kayla and Demarco Hunter, are the adventurers. This story is unique in the series because Raegan and RJ are not in it, because they are at Barnard's Star in 2028.
13) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: "Christmas at Alpha Centauri ChriChristmas at Alpha Centauri' - This is the first book in the trilogy. This graphic novel is 114 pages full color, is set in the year 2025, and tells the story of Raegan and RJ and 5 Christian families travelling to the Alpha Centauri Star System in the first Christian Star Ship 'CSS 001 Faith' to colonize it and celebrate the first Christmas there. In addition to the graphic novel, this edition has a stunning poster which has scenes from the first story pictured to the left of the cover. Cover art by the world famous book cover artist Mr. Duncan Long. . a
14) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Journey'Journey to Barnard's Star' - This is the second book in the trilogy. It is 110 pages full color, is set in the year 2027, and tells the story of Raegan and RJ and 5 Christian families traveling to the Barnard's Star System to establish their second colony. Cover art by the world famous book cover artist Mr. Duncan Long. Cover art by Duncan Long.
15) 'Raegan and RJ in Space: 'Homecoming' - This is the third book in the trilogy. It is 140 pages full color, is set in the year 2029, and tells the story of Raegan and RJ and the families returning to Earth for a heroes' welcome. Cover art by the world famous book cover artist Mr. Duncan Long.
Please see the 'Awards' page - 'Raegan and RJ in Space: First to Mars' 3D animated adventure won Best Animation and Best Director awards at the Knoxville International Christian Festival in 2024, Best Animation award at the Christian Georgia Film Festival in 2022, Best Animation award at the Christian Georgia Online Film Festival in 2021, Best Animation award at the 2018 Christian CinemaFest, and Best Animation at the 2017 Christian Family Film Festival. The 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Christmas on Alpha Centauri' won a Best Graphic Novel award at the 2023 Pinnacle awards and Best Children's Book in the 2024 Knoxville International Christian Book Awards! The 'Raegan and RJ in Space: First to Mars' graphic novel won a graphic novel award at the 2016 Readersfavorite Book Awards! Other awards are 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Celebration at Alpha Centauri' graphic novel is a 2015 Readersfavorite Book Award winner, 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Solar Storm' graphic novel is a 2015 Readersfavorite Book Award winner, 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Raegan and RJ Save the Day!' won both a graphic novel is a 2014 Pinnacle Book Awarda and 2014 Readersfavorite Book Awards, 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Colonizing the Galaxy for Christ!' graphic novel is a 2014 Readersfavorite Book Award winner, and 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Mission to the 3 Suns' graphic novel is a 2013 Readersfavorite Book Award winner!

Top Reviews!
Please see the 'Awards & Reviews' page - 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Christmas on Alpha Centauri', 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Celebration at Alpha Centauri!', 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Solar Storm!', 'Raegan and RJ in Space: First to Mars!', 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Reagan and RJ Save the Day', 'Raegan and RJ in Space: Colonizing the Galaxy for Christ!', and 'Drawing Raegan and RJ in Space!' have all received a 5 out of 5 Stars reviews!

Raegan and RJ in Space is on FACEBOOK:
If you like 'Raegan and RJ in Space!' and you have a FACEBOOK account, why don't you 'LIKE' us when you visit our FACEBOOK page! Once you LIKE the R&RJiS facebook page you will get alerts when new artwork and graphic novel covers are posted before anyone else.

Raegan and RJ in Space Youtube Channel:
Enjoy everyone!!! 'Raegan and RJ in Space' has its own YouTube Channel where the author posted R&RJiS videos, graphic novels, and music! If you like our 'Raegan and RJ in Space' videos and have a YouTube account, please LIKE our videos, leave a COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE to the R&RJiS Youtube Channel! Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFf8fxsHrJnaFk3JGpVIsRQ

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© Richard Collins 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 - “Raegan and RJ in Space” is copyrighted and may NOT be used without WRITTEN permission of the author.